January 24, 2025

We have now completed all four weeks of the online SEND Team Leader Orientation. Some of the participants are still completing their assignments but a number of them have already submitted their final evaluations. Since this was the beta run for this module, we did not charge anything for the training, but in exchange we asked all the participants to track the number of hours they spent on the course and post their evaluations of the material at the end of each week, and again at the end of the course. I see a few areas where I need to revise the material, but by in large, the evaluations have been overwhelmingly positive.

As has been documented by others, follow-up coaching after providing some training greatly enhances the impact of the training (see Keith Webb’s blog about this).   So in a couple of months, I will be contacting each of the participants to ask them how it is going with the plans they made during the course.  Each participant was asked to:

  • draw up a plan for how they would provide oversight for their team
  • create or revise an outcome-based job description select some training resources suggested by their classmates or from the SEND U Team Leader Training Curriculum (still being developed) and outline their personal growth plan using this resources over the next few months.

The value and importance of providing training for mission team leaders has been heard from many different class participants.   Here are some of the comments I have heard:

  • I very much appreciated the way the course had me evaluate things that really affect me and forced me to define what I am going to do and when I am going to do it.
  • One thing I have learned in this course is to slow down a bit more so I can include growth and development in my daily life.
  • The opportunity to learn from the others involved in the course has also been invaluable.
  • I see the course as a springboard to further intentional learning. 
  • I am very encouraged that SEND is taking the issue of training it’s team leaders very serious and this is an excellent first step.

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