Who Feeds the Missionaries Spiritually?
The simple answer to that question: for the most part, we expect our missionaries to feed themselves!
One of our goals throughout the pre-field preparation process in SEND International is to help our new missionaries become adept at feeding themselves spiritually. We emphasize the importance of a personal daily “Quiet Time. We encourage them to be like Mary, who sat at the feet of Jesus, rather than becoming distracted by a multitude of opportunities to serve Jesus, like her sister Martha (Luke 10:38-42). We practice various spiritual disciplines right during the training. We provide structure and some accountability for implementing what they are learning. In our last Member Orientation Program, we distributed to each new missionary appointee a copy of the Life Journal and practiced the S.O.A.P. method of journaling on several mornings. Then near the end of the two weeks of training, everyone spends a whole day alone with… Read the whole post