February 11, 2025
Mission Methodologies, Church Planting, Disciple-making, DMM, Mentoring

Multiplication Process Development in Ministry: Strategies and Tools

This entry is part 11 of 13 in the series "Church planting". The right materials and methods won’t result in multiplication unless we have developed an intentional process designed to multiply. A long process of learning I was speaking to a group of missionaries in Asia about developing a ministry of multiplying disciple-makers. I was telling them how we had developed a process in our church plant where we were making disciples who make disciples who make disciples. At that point, one of the missionaries asked me how long it took us to develop that process. I didn’t exactly know how to answer that question. After all, it was a cumulation of learning things over the years and of trying and developing methods and processes. Collecting the right tools During 33 years as a church planter, I was constantly looking for or modifying or developing materials to be more effective… Read the whole post
Mission Methodologies

Surveys: Small Effort – Much Fruit

Sometimes a small amount of effort can yield much information and fruit. In making decisions, and especially when we are making decisions about large amounts of money, we want to have accurate and up-to-date information. When we are dealing with a huge international crisis impacting tens of millions of people, it is hard to know where to look for information that we can trust. A survey of those whom we already know and trust is a great place to start. Mission organizations often do not recognize how simple it really can be to conduct such a survey. When the current phase of the war in Ukraine started in February 2022, SEND created a Help Ukraine Fund and assembled a Eurasia Emergency Response Team. The team quickly put structures in place that would effectively and efficiently distribute donated funds. Our goal was to have maximum impact for the Kingdom by working… Read the whole post
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