December 3, 2024
Church Planting

Example of an Exit Plan for an Urban Church Plant

This entry is part 7 of 12 in the series "Church planting". How will you know when your church plant is ready for you to leave? Can you prepare for that day from the beginning of the work? In our last blog post, we noted that an exit plan (or transition plan), is a description of what we need to see in place and functioning in the church plant. This vision outlines the essential functions of a church that will continue to thrive without us. At this point, we have completed our work as church planters. When these functions are present, we know that we can either transition to a new role such as equipper and mentor, or we can move on to begin a work in a new area.I’m sure that’s what Jesus had in mind when he told the disciples to make disciples of all nations. There was… Read the whole post
Finishing Well, Training

Finishing Well: Receiving the Baton

This entry is part 3 of 11 in the series "Finishing well". As we continue to think about finishing well in a ministry assignment, let’s return to the beginning of our leg of the race. Starting well sets the stage for finishing well. In a relay race, the team that exchanges the baton most efficiently usually wins. So beginning our lap by smoothly receiving the baton will increase the likelihood that we will finish well. In a relay race, a runner must pay attention to the preceding runner. Particularly, one needs to know which hand holds the baton so a smooth transfer can happen. The assigned lane one’s team is running in is also essential to know. Moreover, the placement the previous runner has achieved is also important information for the team’s success. We tend to act as if history started when we arrived on the ministry scene. I did… Read the whole post
Cross-Cultural Living, Book Reviews

Book Review: Looming Transitions

Transitions are common in a missionary’s life. My wife and I have been missionaries for 41 years and are now in the middle of our 9th “Home Service.” Saying that transitions are common does not mean they are not difficult or disruptive. Transitions are never easy but there is light beyond them. Amy Young has written a helpful book, Looming Transitions: Starting and Finishing Well in Cross-Cultural Service, published in 2016. She writes from her own twenty-year experience serving in Asia where she helped “hundreds of people adjust to the field and prepare to leave it” (back cover). She writes in an easy conversational style. The Introduction and first two chapters give a clear and honest picture of what transitions look like. The author points out that the stress of transitions stems from the gap between our expectations and the reality along the way. Transitions affect us socially, physically, and… Read the whole post
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