February 11, 2025
Church Planting

Church Planter Training

A few weeks ago, Dick Walton and I joined the SEND North Central Europe church planters and their Polish co-workers for a SEND-sponsored church planting workshop in Karlowice, Poland. Dick was a church planter and my former Area Director in the Philippines, and since then he has also served as area director and church planting trainer in Bulgaria. He was planting churches in the Philippines since soon after I was born! My experience in church planting is much more limited, and I was somewhat surprised that I was asked to be one of the facilitators. I was also very impressed with the quality of the instruction by Adam MaÅ‚kiewicz, a Polish church planter from the Bible League as he talked about how to incorporate new people into church plants. The workshop itself was short (only one evening and the next day until supper), but packed with great ideas and opportunities… Read the whole post
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