January 24, 2025

Gospel Saturation

This post is a repost a blog of a friend of mine. He is also an avid photographer and his blog featured some beautiful pictures. He has kindly allowed me to share his thoughts (and one of his pictures) on the SEND U Training blog. Today I wanted to draw your attention to a new page that I just added. Gospel Saturation is a page of resources to help you understand and move towards the process of preaching the Gospel daily – to yourself! Yes, you read that right. Preaching the Gospel to yourself. You can read what I mean on the Gospel Saturation page. The resources that are there are to help us keep on track. You might think, “there’s too much, where do I start?” If you want to start, I suggest starting with the resources below (and no, they are not long or big reads)…… Read the whole post
Resources, Evangelism

Coming Out of Hibernation

Over the past three months, this blog has been hibernating, and I am not happy about it. I could give you a number of excuses such as a busy fall travel schedule and several training and speaking engagements. But now that we are back in Kiev, I am hoping to encourage the blog to come out of hibernation, with possibly some help from fellow colleagues in our mission organization. Let me begin by highlighting some recent additions to our SEND U wiki. The wiki continues to be the primary collection of the training resources that SEND U provides. But I continue to receive emails from various missionaries within our organization asking for some training resource that I have mentioned in the past. I am glad to direct my colleagues to the desired resource, but I have noticed that almost always, the training resource can be found relatively simply by typing… Read the whole post
Church Planting, Islam, Book Reviews, Covenant Community, Evangelism

Critical Issues for the Cross-Cultural Church Planter

This summer I read The Messenger, The Message and the Community: Three Critical Issues for the Cross-cultural Church Planter by Roland Muller.  It was a read that was long overdue.  You see, the author is a friend of mine, and I have followed his ministry closely for about 25 years. About 14 years ago, as the first edition of some parts of this book was being written, Roland Muller asked me to read it and give some feedback.  To my regret, and with some degree of embarrassment now, I admit that I did not finish reading the manuscript, although I did give some thoughts on the part of the book that I did read.   As a result, the author used some of my graduate study research to support one of his arguments and somewhat undeservedly, included my name in the acknowledgments. About seven years later, Roland combined three books he… Read the whole post
Success in ministry, Church Planting, Disciple-making

The Resume is Staring You in the Face

This entry is part 4 of 7 in the series "Success for missionaries".Part 4 of a series on defining success for a missionary.  Part 1 demonstrated that we, like Paul, can be confident in our ministry, despite all our detractors and critics. In Part 2, we saw in 2 Corinthians that Paul repeats the phrase “commend ourselves,” to identify key criteria that he uses to demonstrate that his ministry is credible and successful.  In Part 3, we explored Paul’s first criterion of successful ministry, that of clearly proclaiming the Gospel. The Church’s Existence is a Proof that I am Successful Besides reminding the Corinthians that he clearly and even simply proclaimed the Gospel, Paul argues that the very presence of a Corinthian church was ample evidence that he was, in fact, a successful apostle and missionary. .… Read the whole post
Success in ministry, Gospel, Storying

A Clear Proclamation of the Gospel

This entry is part 3 of 7 in the series "Success for missionaries".Part 3 of a series on defining success for a missionary. Part 1 demonstrated that we, like Paul, can be confident in our ministry, despite all our detractors and critics. In Part 2, we talked about Paul’s need to once more prove his credibility as an apostle to the Corinthian church. By repeating the phrase “commend ourselves,” he points to some key criteria that he uses to demonstrate that God is pleased with his ministry. The first criterion that I want to highlight is found in 2 Corinthians 4:1-2. Therefore, since through God’s mercy we have this ministry, we do not lose heart. Rather, we have renounced secret and shameful ways; we do not use deception, nor do we distort the word of God. On the contrary, by setting forth the truth plainly we commend ourselves to everyone’s… Read the whole post
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