December 6, 2024
Disciple-making, Missiology, Bible, Missiological Issues

What do you mean by the word “mission”?

Today the term ‘mission’ is in search of definition. It has become quite fluid and vague. In 2016, Jay Matenga and Malcom Gold wrote: We are in a state of missional (mission-related) anomie in which the forms and structures of the past are in a state of flux and a cohesive and accepted new way has yet to form. – Jay Matenga and Malcom Gold, Mission in Motion, 2016, William Carey Library, Kindle location 1258.… Read the whole post
Missiology, Theology, Evangelism


About 35 years ago I heard Dr. Sam Rowen lecture on elenctics.  The term is seldom used in missiology today and the concept behind it gets little press. There is, however, an article on elenctics in the Evangelical Dictionary of World Missions, (p. 307,8). The chief proponent of elenctics is J. H. Bavinck in his book, An Introduction to the Science of Missions (1960). J.H. Bavinck (1895-1964) was a missiologist in the Dutch Calvinist tradition. Elenctics, in Christianity, is a division of practical theology concerned with persuading people of other faiths (or no faith) of the truth of the Gospel message, with an end to producing in them an awareness of, and sense of guilt for, their sins, a recognition of their need for God’s forgiveness, repentance (i.e. the disposition to turn away from their sin) and faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Wikipedia… Read the whole post
Islam, Theology, Book Reviews

No God But One: Allah or Jesus? a review

Nabeel Qureshi, the author of the best-selling Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus, has written another helpful book that examines the evidence that led him to trust in Jesus. No God but One: Allah or Jesus?  is further described on the cover by the words “A former Muslim investigates the evidence for Islam and Christianity.” The investigation is framed under two main questions: Question 1: What are the differences between Islam and Christianity? (pages 23-148) Question 2: Can we know whether Islam or Christianity is true? (pages 149-296)                … Read the whole post
Missiological Issues, Missiology, Book Reviews, Evangelism

Review of “Controversies in Mission: Theology, People, and Practice in the 21st Century”

The Evangelical Missiological Society’s 2016 volume, Controversies in Mission, edited by Rochelle Cathcart Scheuerman and Edward L. Smithers contains papers from the 2015 Regional Meetings and National Conference. The book is divided into four parts: Part One, Biblical Perspectives and the Theology of Mission Part Two, The People of Mission Part Three, The Practice of Mission Part Four, Historical and Future Perspectives.… Read the whole post
Disciple-making, Holy Spirit

Multiplying Disciples: Reflections on the “how” from 2 Timothy

While crafting our new vision statement at SEND North Council’s retreat in November, 2 Timothy 2:2 frequently came up in the discussion. In writing to Timothy, Paul gives a pattern of making disciples who in turn make other disciples. and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also. -2 Timothy 2: 2 ESV… Read the whole post
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