February 11, 2025
Church Planting

Example of an Exit Plan for an Urban Church Plant

This entry is part 7 of 13 in the series "Church planting". How will you know when your church plant is ready for you to leave? Can you prepare for that day from the beginning of the work? In our last blog post, we noted that an exit plan (or transition plan), is a description of what we need to see in place and functioning in the church plant. This vision outlines the essential functions of a church that will continue to thrive without us. At this point, we have completed our work as church planters. When these functions are present, we know that we can either transition to a new role such as equipper and mentor, or we can move on to begin a work in a new area.I’m sure that’s what Jesus had in mind when he told the disciples to make disciples of all nations. There was… Read the whole post
Church Planting

Having an Exit Plan from the Start

This entry is part 6 of 13 in the series "Church planting". When we started our last church plant, we began with a planning retreat for everyone who wanted to be a part of starting a new church. During that retreat we talked about a lot of things. We discussed the biblical definition of a church. We described our target area and target people and their religious beliefs. Furthermore, we evaluated our team members’ gifts and passions and did team-building activities. We formulated our vision and mission statements and our core values. Then toward the end of our retreat I said, we need to clarify our “Exit Plan”. They all looked at me strangely and said, “Exit plan? We haven’t even started yet. Why are you talking about an exit plan? What do you mean by an exit plan?” What is an exit plan? An exit plan provides clear markers that describe the… Read the whole post
Church Planting, Disciple-making, Follow-up

Discipling disciple-makers

This entry is part 5 of 13 in the series "Church planting". Editor’s note: David and Kathy North planted multiple churches with TEAM for 33 years in various-sized cities in the Philippines. In their first few years in the Philippines, the Norths and I (Ken Guenther) served on the same church planting team in Baliwag, Bulacan. David is currently the Church Planting Coordinator for TEAM’s international network of church planters and disciple makers. The Norths are coaching, training, mentoring and encouraging front line workers. These blog posts were copied with permission from TEAM’s Church Planting Blog, Go and Plant. What gives me joy? In my first church planting work, I remember someone asking me in a small group, “What gives you the most happiness in life?” My answer was, “Leading someone to Christ.” That really gave me so much joy. But some asked that question again during my most recent… Read the whole post
Church Planting, Disciple-making

Make Disciples: What Kind of Disciples?

This entry is part 4 of 13 in the series "Church planting". Editor’s note: David and Kathy North planted multiple churches with TEAM for 33 years in various-sized cities in the Philippines. In their first few years in the Philippines, the Norths and I (Ken Guenther) served on the same church planting team in Baliwag, Bulacan. David is currently the Church Planting Coordinator for TEAM’s international network of church planters and disciple makers. The Norths are involved in coaching, training, mentoring and encouraging front line workers. These blog posts were copied with permission from TEAM’s Church Planting Blog, Go and Plant. Intentional disciple-making The primary command of Jesus for His church was, “make disciples.” When Jesus told his disciples to go and make disciples, he had some specific characteristics of a disciple in mind. Before people make things like furniture, vehicles, and tools, they carefully determine what it is… Read the whole post
Book Reviews, Spiritual Disciplines, Spiritual Formation

The Power of Presence in a World of Distraction

“Faithfully Present: Embracing the Limits of Where and When God Has You” by Adam Ramsey is a compelling call to Christians. The book urges them to embody a life of presence in a world that is constantly distracted and disconnected. The book challenges believers to live out their faith with intentionality, focusing on being truly present with God, with others, and in their personal calling. It combines theological insight with practical wisdom. Ramsey’s work is a clarion call to rediscover the power and beauty of presence in an age of absence. As a 43-year old missionary woman who has dedicated her life to serving others, I find “Faithfully Present” to be particularly resonant. The demands of ministry come with a set of worries and responsibilities. They often leave me feeling stretched thin and disconnected from the very people and purposes I am called to serve. Ramsey’s book serves as a… Read the whole post
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