February 11, 2025

The process of journeying towards Christ

This entry is part 13 of 13 in the series "Church planting". An event or a process? Is evangelism an event or is it a process… or both? And why does that matter? When I was in Bible College, I was introduced to the Engel Scale. This was a chart that showed how coming to faith in Christ and growing in Christ is a process that takes time. Accepting Christ and being born again is an event. At one moment we were lost and the next moment we had eternal life. But coming toward Christ is always a journey, and growing in Christ as a disciple is a journey. See a previous blog post on “Connecting with the lost.” Saddleback Church’s adaptation Saddleback Church in California used the Engel Scale in their evangelism training and adapted it to include their purpose-driven discipleship process. They showed that many people move through the following stages, though it might be at… Read the whole post
Cross-Cultural Living

When God Calls: Entrusting Ourselves and Our Children to Him

Jenna Ness, alongside her husband Kevin and family, lives and works in North Macedonia. Together, they are navigating a life of faith, growth, and service, embracing new cultures and challenges with their children. This post was first published by the blog, Risen Motherhood. Was it wise? Five years ago, I found myself sitting in a women’s conference. At the time, my husband and I believed that a huge transition was impending, and we were getting input on all sides, both positive and negative. Should we move across the world for ministry? Was it wise? One of my greatest fears during these days and months was how our children would handle such a huge transition, especially due to the losses—mostly relational—they would experience. I didn’t feel like I could talk about it with anyone, so it became a deep groaning between me and the Lord. Will you provide for them? For… Read the whole post
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