Are there shortcuts in missions?
The book, “No Shortcut to Success: a Manifesto for Modern Missions” by Matt Rhodes piqued my interest as soon as I saw the title. Over the past couple of decade, I have often reflected on the question of what success means for missionaries. A number of the posts on this blog present those reflections.
How does the author define success?
Despite my expectation, Matt Rhodes does not put much effort into defining success for missionaries in his book. While admitting that every missionary dreams of success (p. 53), the author is quick to question the validity of many so-called “success stories” in missions (p.47). He is adamant that success can not be measured by numbers alone.
Ultimately, “success” in ministry isn’t a matter of numbers but of ministering in a way that honors the Lord.
Rhodes, Matt. No Shortcut to Success (9Marks) (p. 56). Crossway. Kindle Edition.
According to Rhodes,… Read the whole post